...I had a feeling that might get attention.
Because somebody tends to hurt himself whenever he uses an ab roller, our first stop was the Kaiser Clinic, for a little "hey there, wazzup" with a doctor, and filling a prescription. Then we were off.
Got in the car, turned on the engine, plugged in our destination, and promptly turned the car off. We were already in the parking lot.
If you ever find yourself in Kihie, go to Coconuts (honestly, maybe it's "Coconut's" or "Coconutz"). Seriously.

Best fish sandwich ever. Everyone t raved about it on Yelp and Trip Advisor; now we count ourselves among the ravers.

Best fish taco ever. Mango salsa. Who woulda...well, they woulda, did, and...oh, delicious!

Seriously. I will dream about that taco. Seriously one of the best places to eat on this island. Amazing food, and incredible, friendly service. Truly remarkable. The chef even came to our table in his white chef outfit thing, asked us what we got, whether we liked it, had a whole conversation with us, told us about why and how he receives and prepares the fish.
Yadda, yadda... $14 for a piece of fish that should cost $35. Straight from the horse's mouth; the fishermen are just that eager to work with him.
Okay,.THEN we hit the road, just wandering, driving as fast as we could (we aaaalmost topped 40mph!)

Cruisin' through a swanky neighborhood, came across a cute shopping center, so we drove through, thinking fun, worry-free, little souvenir never hurt nobody...then we saw the signs: Louis Vuitton. Rolex. BCBGMAXAZRIA. And then we kept driving.
...to Costco! We are true people watchers, observers, critique-ers, learners, laughers, and talkers. Enter old man in motorized wheelchair with a urine-filled bag hanging out of his shorts. I felt for the guy, honestly and truly. Why would his son (maybe?) allow this to happen, and, if he saw it, why wouldn't he fix it? Oh, goodness.
Maybe I'm a bad person for not helping. Isn't that a little familiar, though? I was uncomfortable, and I would have been moreso if I had had to help the old man find a place to put the bag.
Wandering was fun. There was a couple -gay guys- that reminded us of a couple that we know back home (note: I said we KNOW them, not that we LIKE them, or are FRIENDS with them; I did not say that). We had fun laughing at how similar the couples are; it really was kinda freaky.

Note to self: buy these books, but preferably when you don't have to include the weight in your fifty-pound-limit checked baggage.
Then it was some leisurely snacking at Moose McGillicuddy's, which had some interesting pictures hanging all over the place:
And then, a self-portrait:
And one of my main man:
Tomorrow is our last full day in Hawaii, and Tim and I are going to drive...
It's a twisty, twirly, windy road that goes hither, thither and yon, eventually leading adventurous (unsuspecting) tourists to Hana. What's so special about Hana, you ask? Scary: I. Don't. Know.
Back to the road. I get carsick at the drop of a hat. Even when I eat, and take Dramamine. And even after I puke. Do you have any idea what that means? It means I'll most likely leave at least a couple pounds of my insides by the side of the road.
Please: wish me luck. Or else, it was nice knowing you. Pray for no map directions needed from me.