Saturday, November 16, 2013

Coming to grips with the obvious

It's official: bump is here. I'm not the only one that can tell. Tim and I aren't the only ones that can tell.

I ran into an old co-worker this past week, someone who changes his work locations frequently, on an as-needed basis. Okay, fine: he's a security guard. He was called in to work at my new location, so we had a chance to catch up. It's been at least a year since I've seen him.

He's a runner. I'm a runner (don't laugh; I AM when I'm not 20+ weeks pregnant!). Actually, I think the last time I saw him, he was volunteering at the Hell of a Half Marathon in Exeter (August 2012). So I asked him about his running; he updated me, and said, "you're probably not doing too much running these days, with baby."

"Huh? How did you...?" And he gestured toward my belly. "It's pretty easy to tell." Oh, yeah, huh.

It's getting bigger every day. It's not so incredibly scary (actually, I thought I'd have a harder time with that aspect than I'm having), but it's just something to get used to. It's kind of like those pre-teen and teenage years where everything grows, you don't fit into your clothes, you trip over your own feet... you swipe your car door against your belly... It's just a new experience for me. I haven't had to worry about that kind of crap since middle school? high school? ish?

Friday, November 8, 2013

A trip to ye olde neighborhood market

Have you ever heard ONLY GOOD THINGS about a place, and then when you finally go there for yourself, IT SUCKS OUT LOUD? Well, that happened to me. I've been hearing about this place - a grocery chain in the area where I live - from a friend-that-was (she's no longer a "friend," really). She said that she loves this place for produce. Just for produce. She goes to another grocery store for EVERYTHING ELSE, and THIS PLACE just for their produce.

So last night, when we wanted to do a caprese salad for our Thursday night dinner (it's a special night for us), and because this new-to-us, "amazing produce" grocery store is on my way home, I stopped there.

I should have known it would suck, just from the parking lot: it looked like a scene out of CSI. Not that I watch that show. It just looks like the perfect place for a mass killing / murder/suicide / shooting spree. Plus, shopping carts were everywhere (one of my pet peeves). Certain types of "music" blared and bumped from 1970s-era Cadillacs, and 2000s Hondas, many with fuzzy dice hanging from the rear views.

I managed to find a parking spot not occupied by a shopping cart (at least, at that time), park, and walk in. The whole place smelled like my grandparents' house - I'm still trying to figure that part out. I only needed tomatoes (heirloom), basil (fresh, not dried), a hunk of mozzarella (fresh), and a loaf of some kind of yummy bread. Four items. Not too much to ask, right? Tomatoes. Basil. Cheese. Bread. Easy.

First up: heirloom tomatoes and a bunch of basil. But it was difficult enough to find the produce section in this place, and all of a sudden - because of the overall feel of this place - dank, musty, old - I just wanted to run screaming out of there. Tomatoes. Basil. Focus. Don't panic. Eventually, I found the produce section (small, as it was), and the tomatoes. Some in the middle section, some on one end, some on the other (why? why would anyone spread tomatoes here, there, and everywhere? ugh). But no HEIRLOOM tomatoes. None. Okay, backup would be the "plain old regular" tomatoes. None of them looked outstanding. Just normal - the same quality as the grocery store where I normally shop. But there I was, so I got a couple.

Next: basil. Almost every single bundled bunch looked like it had been run over by a tractor. I managed to go through them and find one that only looked like it had had a few worms eat at it. Bagged that sucker, and headed toward the cheese.

Not surprisingly, the FRESH mozzarella I was looking for did. not. exist. There was only the dry, string-cheese-in-a-big-ol'-ball. Hello, disappointment.

One more item: the bread. The LOAF of bread. There were PLENTY of tortillas - packs of 25, 50, or 100. Tortas. Fried tortillas (what are those called? I forget). There were bags and bags of pre-sliced, very-processed loaves. That's definitely NOT what I was looking for. There were a few bags of prepared garlic-butter bread. Nothing like what I was looking for. I would have to go somewhere else. Somewhere like my regular grocery store, that had better tomatoes, basil, and cheese than what I had in my hands.

So, at the end of a very long week, at the end of a long day, I went to two - TWO - grocery stores. When I could've just gone to ONE. Ugh. And THAT is why I tend to stick to the tried-and-true, time-tested, run-of-the-mill, reliable grocery stores.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

20 weeks

As of TODAY, I'm halfway there. Twenty weeks. A little over four and a half months. It's crazy - everything was slow at first, and then all of a sudden, March 23rd (my due date) is tomorrow, and we don't have anything ready, just a few outfits and a crib that isn't assembled yet. There's an issue with the TWO showers that people are doing for me (one up north, and the other one here in town):

There's no registry. Yet.
No research has been done. Yet.
Child proofing.
High chair.
Car seats.
Baby monitors.
Beds and bedding.
New York.

Did I mention we're going to New York? We planned the trip waaaay back in...March (ish), thinking and hoping that I'd probably be pregnant by now, but never realizing just HOW pregnant I'd be. It doesn't matter, though - hell or high water, I AM running in Central Park. Nothing's gonna stop me, even if it's only for a quarter mile, I'm runnin'. I, for one, never considered what all would be happening at this point.

I'm tired.
I'm out of breath.
I can't sleep.
I have a belly.
I'm always hungry.
My feet hurt.
My back hurts.
I get leg cramps at night.
I have to pee.

Besides ALL that - as if all of that weren't enough - it's coming up on my least favorite time of year: the holidays. I hate the forced time together. The "whose parents are we seeing on X actual day this year" and the "what do I get for X this year" and the "what do you want for Christmas" (because heaven forbid you say the truth, that you don't really need/want anything, and would just prefer to chill out with people you don't see throughout the year, just talking, maybe taking walks and hanging out)? Not that I have an opinion one way or the other.

Also in December: our niece is getting married (way, way, way up north), and we have a few nights reserved at an awesome timeshare in downtown San Francisco (and I REALLY don't want to miss out on THAT, but who knows how I'll feel at that point, six months pregnant). I'm pretty sure I'll still be in the mood for Ghirardelli Square. San Fran has GOT to be a 'GO' - that's all there is to it.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What's your excuse?

Practically everyone has an opinion on this picture.

So I decided I'd throw in my own two cents.

I'm pregnant right now. I'm also an oft-times runner, and someone who's concerned about health and fitness, I worry about how fast my body can and will bounce back in March after baby gets here.

I saw this picture, and immediately thought, "there's hope - if she can do it with three kids in three years, maybe I can do it, too!" I saw it as a positive picture, not just one designed to rub her skinny-ness into other people's faces, people who don't have the willpower and energy to go through all that, AND take care of her three kids, AND exercise enough to look like that.

Celebrities are always bragging about abd shoving their bikini-clad, 90-pound bodies in everyone's faces, but there are some that just have naturally thin bodies, with naturally high metabolism.

You never know who's lying about their "miracle diet" and who's in fact anorexic, for example.

One thing that has ALWAYS bothered me is when people say, "once you have kids, you can say goodbye to [making meals every night/going out ever again/having any alone time]." I refuse to give up anything and everything I enjoy just because I'm going to have a kid...or anything else. Who knows, maybe this three-kids chick just eats super healthy. After all...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lots shakin' around here!

Lots going on around here recently:

15 weeks, take two!
When I had to go to Valley Children's Hospital two or three weeks ago (which was truly a great experience!), the tech and doctor there told me that baby measured exactly one week big, and that it would change my due date, from March 23rd to the 16th. I emailed MY doctor to confirm the changed due date, and she said no, it doesn't change anything, because I measured right on at my first ultrasound. So baby is big. My due date would remain March 23rd. Sounds kinda weird to me. I can't wait for my next ultrasound, in just a little over a week! I always get nervous before the next one, worried about anything and everything that could go wrong (but I have a feeling I'm not the only one that has those worries).

The Festival
This weekend was a local County event, and because of Tim's position, he's pretty much obligated to make an appearance. Actually, it's one of my favorite events of the year, because it's pretty casual, and involves a walk to promote Suicide Awareness, and I get to hang out and talk with some of Tim's coworkers that I've come to know over the years. After the walk, there's a Festival that includes chalk art, clowns, magic, a kids' area...all sorts of fun stuff (plus, it's at an outlet mall, so we always do a little shopping, too).

Is anyone else into "Breaking Bad"? We got into it a couple of years ago, and the series finale is tonight. I loved that show from the very beginning. Who doesn't love a story about an average Joe who turns to cooking meth to provide for his family? I like Bryan Cranston, but for me, Aaron Paul really steals the show - is it just me?

I ran this morning!
Well, sort of. I really need to get back into running shape. Today, we did about 2 1/2 miles, but I had to walk a good part of it, and I know I was slowing Tim down (poor guy could seriously have run the whole thing, I think, but he kept walking with me even though I told him to keep going). My goal is to be able to run, even if just for a little while, in Central Park when we visit this fall. The "big plan" is to run the Christmas Tree Lane 5K, hopefully with Tim's sister and her kids. It was fun last year, and we're really looking forward to it this year.

Any events or races you look forward to every year? 
My favorite half marathon is the Shamrock'n Half in Sacramento; it's the only race I've repeated, because I love it so much, but I'm not doing it in 2014 because it happens mid-March, the same time I should be writhing in pain (or, hopefully, numb from the waist down).

Do you watch "Breaking Bad"?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

12 weeks

Today marks 12 weeks. It seems like forever ago that I found out, and to be honest, so far I'm not loving pregnancy. Weeks five to ten, I was sick as a dog, or so I thought. At ten weeks, I just got worse. Worse to the point of puking at my desk at work. That week at work, I lasted two hours on Tuesday, and precisely five minutes on Wednesday (which prompted me to call in a prescription that turned out to be my saving grace).

Now, at 12 weeks, I still feel drained and tired, but because I'm just barely starting to notice a teeny tiny bump (only Tim and I can notice at this point) - which kinda looks like I've just been over-eating - I also feel fat. I've had people tell me I'm not fat, but that's not what I said: I said I FEEL fat. That's just what it feels like.

I'm really looking forward to getting back into running, but right now I"m pretty nauseous from the moment I wake up until the time I leave for work. It gets better starting fifteen or twenty minutes after I take that magical pill, but still...I just feel weird. My tummy is revolting against doing anything before 6:00-ish. Which should make for an interesting return-to-4x10s week this week.

So...when does the second trimester "return of energy" officially begin? Please don't let me be one of those that stays sick for the full nine months!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

So guess what...

Let's get real, mmkay?

I did about half of the Runner's World running streak. I've run a couple of 5Ks, a couple of 10Ks, and four half marathons. And I've almost completely stopped running recently. It's not entirely due to the heat.

I'm kinda pregnant. More than kinda. Actually, a little over ten weeks now. So it's a thing, officially. And I've been riding wave after wave of nausea since about week #5.

Pregnancy: awesome, amazing, blah blah...
Interminable nausea: complete suckfest.

So, in order to document my crappy-feeling days, I'm recording my stuff here. I'm trying to fight the day-and-night nausea with protein and carbs, but I just haven't felt like myself in...over five weeks. It's miserable, actually.

I've been craving almost nothing healthy (or even semi-healthy): I want chips and salsa, ice cream, pasta, and bread. And occasionally, a pickle.

Hormones are okay, I'm not too overly emotional or anything, just little blips here and there.

So far, I'd rate my "morning sickness" about a 9.5 on a scale of one to ten. I even went home early (as in eight hours early) from work today. I was fighting it from 6 until 9 a.m., which is when I left.
So...anyone have any advice for a first-timer? Anything?

Monday, August 12, 2013

And a little running mixed in

I haven't posted on here in way too long. It's sad, because some stuff has been going on, and I wish I had documented it.

This day was a highlight, for sure. We were both in really good moods (that I'll get to explain later this week).

We went on a close-to-home vacation; we visited the San Francisco, Napa, and Monterey areas.

We walked ALL OVER San Francisco; we climbed up to Coit Tower (but not up IN the tower itself, because two of us were tired enough to fall asleep at any moment), we walked Lombard Street, and all over the Wharf, Pier 1 to Ghirardelli.

It was a lovely escape from the oppressive heat of the Central Valley (and as usual, when we weren't there, it rained).

The Napa and Healdsburg areas we're really fun; I got to taste sample a ton of different flavors of olive oils and vinegars, some of which were definitely better flavors than others.

There was food everywhere on this trip ('this trip,' I say as if it weren't the norm)! Tiramisu in Little Italy. Best burgers I've had in a long timed. Candy. Soup. So. Much. Stuff!! I came home and never wanted to eat again (don't worry, it only lasted a couple of hours at most).

Feel bad for this guy, though. Tim made him test the car, here, there, and everywhere. You see, Tim's car "Linc" has a rattle. So far, he's taken it to the dealership maybe three times specifically for the rattle, and nobody ever hears it, and can't do anything about it. But it's there. He'll tell you: it's THERE!!

We found love on the beach. Unfortunately, we weren't exactly prepared for the beach, so we didn't stay long. Just took a couple of pictures and drove on.

When we came back from our escape, we had a visit from this girl, so we look her to the water park in Fresno for a few hours (which was all any of us could handle).

Through it all, we made some pretty silly faces. We had fun. These past few weeks (month?) has been a whirlwind, but I think this week will be even more so. It'll fly by.

I hope I can keep up!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'm a runner. It's official.

I had a horrible customer service experience at my local Starbucks this morning. Even though we had fun catching up with friends, I came home shaky and feeling funky. Went to Target for some retail therapy. Upstairs for some solitary chill time. Downstairs for more chill time. Uno time. Nothing felt good, really.

Then it hit me: I missed my run. I mean, I MISSED my run.

You know what that means? I've had running highs, and today, for the first time in a long time, I experienced withdrawal.

I'm a runner!!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The story of Tuesday

Tuesday. It wasn't good. There were so many things wrong with Tuesday!

The morning was okay: good run with my Love, refreshing shower, ready and out the door on time. I felt good. And then, as I started driving to work, you know how the car doors lock as soon as you hit 15 or 20 mph? Most of mine locked, but the driver side door clicked maybe three times, and oh yeah, didn't lock. I had to figure out a way to lock it without using the key clicker thing. And I had to drive from Tulare to Visalia that day, to a sketchy part of town; I needed my door lock to work!

Ugh. I got to work, and - because my life revolves around food and when I'm going to eat next - I started thinking about lunch. I thought a Costco Polish dog sounded cheap, quick, and easy...and on my way from the meeting in Visalia back to my home office in Tulare. Perfect. Wait: do I have my Costco card? A quick check in my wallet showed that no, I don't have my Costco card. Or my AmEx. Or my work ID badge, that I needed in order to get into that meeting!

Now I couldn't think about anything else BUT where my cards were, and how I could get them in time. Driving from Tulare to Visalia takes about 25 minutes on a normal day; I was allotted 30 minutes to get there, and 30 minutes to get back. The cards HAD to be somewhere at my house, which is on the way, so I decided to make a quick stop. It would have to be quick. Aha!! The cards! They had to be in a pocket. What I wore yesterday (definitely a skirt) and whatever I wore last week to Costco.

11:00 I bolted out the door, zoomed off to my house.

11:06 I was home, and rooting around through hanging skirts and folded pants in drawers.

11:08 Found all three cards, and ran out the door.
* * * I got behind about a million little old ladies, slow cars, and red lights. Or moving vans. Or there was a cop  (honestly, I don't usually speed; actually, my Love sometimes wishes I would go faster, but I'm a scared driver, and don't want to go more than three to five mph over the speed limit).* * *

11:32 I was late. LATE. (Not that kind of "late." At least, yet.) I hate being late. So embarrassing! And, I had to do the funky lock dance with my driver side door. And I chose today - of ALL days! - to wear 4" stilettos. Smart.

11:33 Picture me, RUNNING, in the heels, to the door, sweaty and lugging a bulky, coin-jangly purse. Verrrrry professional, I know.

11:34 I walked into the meeting LATE, trying to calm my breathing, and saw that the person speaking was someone that my Love works with. Pretty closely. And who is also my boss's boss's boss's boss's boss (no, I'm not kidding: five levels). Ugh, embarrassing.

12:30 I decided to apologize to this person, and decided to kind of tease her, saying we should go out for dinner-n-drinks again, and then I started saying things that I have NO idea...! WHY was I...? Who was this talking? It was an out-of-body thing, a moment in time that I wish I could've just stopped myself, but I just kept on...! Fortunately, she just nodded, smiled, gave me a hug and said goodbye. Oh please, just let me crawl under a rock! I wanna go back to bed, start all over.

12:45 Called my Love. No answer. Started considering skipping the Polish dog and going straight for the froyo instead. At least it wouldn't be the real ice cream.

12:55 My Love called me back, and said it would be good if I wanted to stop by his office (which, conveniently enough, was on my way back to my home office). I parked and as I reached the top of the stairs in the building, I saw a security guard that used to work where I used to work. He asked if I'd heard, and then he told me the story of an old coworker that had recently been arrested and is currently serving time for a very serious crime, for which he'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

1:00 Deflated and defeated, and wanting more than ever to just go home and crawl under the covers, I walked to my Love's office. I verbally vomited for a few minutes, breathed, and relaxed just a bit. Nervous I was keeping him from work (busy guy!), I headed back home to get lunch, then back to my home office, where the rest of the day was - fortunately - dull and uneventful.

That day, I posted a picture on Instagram - one of me and my Love in his office. Patient man, nodding and smiling with the crazy chick. I wondered what else could've gone wrong, and was scolded for saying that, because "famous last words!"

So Wednesday, I decided I'd had enough junk this week, and wanted to try the Sonic PB & bacon milkshake. I don't usually go to Sonic; actually, it's been YEARS - maybe seven? - since I last ate at Sonic. And that time, I walked up. I've literally NEVER driven through a Sonic. I am NOT familiar with the drive-in drive-thru crap. Plus, I felt guilty even being there. Oh yeah, and because my car was in the shop, I was driving my Love's car, and I'm not used to driving it.

So I pulled up to an empty drive-in spot. Wait, there was no one on that side of the lot. Backed out, pulled to the other side. I couldn't reach the card slider thing. Wait: I didn't really want to do this. Did I?'s just once. Backed out, tried the drive-thru.

"What can I get for you today?"
"Can I get a small PB & bacon shake please?"
"Umm... umm... never mind."

And I drove away, but in the process, my foot slipped from the gas pedal, and in my rush to hit it again, the top of my foot SMACKED the back of the brake pedal. It stung, though. It REALLY hurt. Like, REALLY really!

Ugh. My own stupid clumsiness knows no bounds.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Alarms, smoothies, ducks, and risks

The alarm rang at 4:15-ish, as always, but the variable here (during weekdays) is my Love. This morning, even though I started cuddling him and nudging him awake, he just didn't wanna. And so we didn't. I hit my snooze, and he hit his.

A little later, while he got ready for his day (including making our green smoothies), I got ready for my run. I had five miles in mind, with a Starbucks at the finish line (if and only if I actually did the full five); but it wasn't meant to be. I was short on time, and did only half that: 2.5 miles.

But I saw a duck, I tried a (kind of) new (to me) app, and kinda sorta wanted to die in the heat.

At lunch (an hour-long break in the middle of the day is was too long for me), I was trying to figure out what to do with my time. Productive, but nothing too sweaty. Nothing too productive. Yadda yadda, I dared myself to do something, to put myself out there, to take a risk. I did it, and now I'm kind of just waiting for something to happen. If it does, it'll make me really excited and happy, and eager to put myself out there again and again!!

Speaking of "out there," here's what my wet hair looks like after a sweaty run, but before a shower. Good times.

When was the last time you took a risk, and/others put yourself "out there"? Isn't that feeling exhilarating?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Me, in short - and TAG!

I saw this on Skinny Chick Blog the other day, and really liked it, so here goes nothing.

A)  Attached or single?
Attached. Married to my best friend, my Love, Tim. We'll be married seven years this month! Just love the heck outta him.

B)  Best friend?
My Love, Tim. I can't get enough of him. I love the time we spend together, the adventures and even boring daily junk we do together, but also I love that we can have our separate times. We understand each other, and I love it!

C)  Cake or pie?
Yes, please. Both. I don't discriminate. Cake, pie, cookies, brownies, ice cream. Everything. I'll take it all. As long as it doesn't have too much food coloring, like maybe it's not dark blue...or green...or red, or orange, or purple, or yellow, or black.

D)  Day of the week?
Saturday and Sunday for now, until I get back on my alternate work schedule (Mon-Thu, 7 am-5:30 pm); then, it'll be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm a homebody, for the most part. I love relaxing at home.

E)  Essential item?
Nail clippers and Burt's Bee's honey lip balm.

F)  Favorite color?
Blue. Every shade. Always has been my favorite color. Also, purple.

G)  Gummy bears or worms?
No, thanks; I'll pass.

H)  Hometown?
Nowhere, USA. I was born in Crawley (near Lafayette), Louisiana; I spent eight years in Saudi Arabia, four in upstate New York, a year or two here and there in Utah, and almost 20 years in different places in California. Home is where you make it - I don't like thinking of anywhere in California as my "hometown."

I)  Indulgence?
Chocolate. Milk, not dark or white. Crappy reality TV shows that make you want a cold shower. Ice cream. Baked goods. Candy. Running. Hiking. Biking. Talking. Writing. Sleeping. Reading. Eating. Doodling. People watching. In short: too many to mention.

J)  January or July?
January. I love bundling up. You can always add clothing, but when it's 100* outside, what can you do? Nothing!

K)  Kids?
Not yet... Just a couple of doggies (a border collie and a chihuahua/terrier mix).

L)  Life isn't complete without...?
Baked goods. Family and friends. Sappy stuff. And books. Lots and lots of books.

M)  Marriage date?
07/20/2006. Told ya': seven years. 

N)  Number of siblings?
Two, both brothers: Dave is ten years older, and Xander was three years younger (he passed away a little more than a year and a half ago from complications of a seizure).

O)  Oranges or apples?
Apples, for sure. Oranges are way more difficult to peel, and can squirt in your eye. I'm a big fan of fruit in general, though. I love watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, mango, persimmons...the list goes on.

P)  Phobias?
Spiders and heights, mainly.

Q)  Quote?
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right."

R)  Reason to smile?
     1)  Trying new things
     2)  Visiting new (and old) places
     3)  Running
     4)  Living and loving my life
     5)  Baked goods

S)  Season of choice?
Autumn. Fresh air, great flavors and scents. Halloween and everything pumpkin. A respite from the oppressive heat of Central Valley summers. Corn mazes.

T)  Tag three people.
No thanks. Anyone who reads this, tag yourself. Do it - fun stuff!

U)  Unknown fact about me:
I can say the alphabet backwards! My dad wanted to figure it out when I was maybe five or six years old, and we worked on it before bed one night, but couldn't work it all out that night. Yadda yadda, I woke up and knew the alphabet backward. Maybe my dad whispered it into my ear a few times while I was asleep; maybe not. I can still do it.

V)  Vegetable?
All of 'em, except for uncooked onions. I love to eat, and I really don't discriminate. I love practically all foods. Fruits, veggies, everything. I really love cut tomatoes sprinkled with sea salt.

W)  Worst habit?
I plead the fifth. No, let's get serious: my worst habit ever, is picking at and peeling the skin off of my fingers. Yes, seriously.

X)  X-ray or ultrasound?
I don't understand the question.

Y)  Your favorite food?
I love it all. Italian. Thai. Anything spicy. Mexican. Salsa. Soups.

Z)  Zodiac sign?
Pisces, but I don't really buy into that kind of thing. To each his own.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

What does "strong" mean?

I've been accused of being a "strong woman."


"Yes. 'Accused.'"

I think of "strong women" as tough. Determined. Won't budge. Strong-willed. Hard-hearted. Most of those things I'll admit I can be.

But it's the context, right? I should probably admit, I wasn't there. It was a second-hand story. The person who said it, mildly intimidates me, and is herself, a VERY strong woman. But it was said as a compliment.

I might be a little...? (I don't know the word.) But I wonder if it was just meant as a passing comment, something you say but don't really mean.

Paranoid! That's the word. Am I being paranoid?

Why are we friends?

I can't be the only one to question people's motives. Why are we friends? What's the purpose? Is there a purpose? What do you want? What do I want? Are we dragging each other down, or bringing each other up? Making each other better (or worse) people than we were yesterday?

Sometimes, it's a mystery. And it makes it more difficult to truly let people in. I'm just doing my best, living my life and working to be the best person I can be.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

He shoots, he scores!

I didn't start running until an hour or two later than I had intended, because I didn't go to bed until after midnight. It was already warm when I headed out the door, and from the word 'go,' my legs felt heavy and I was tired. Still, I had done the bare minimum for the past few days, and I was determined to pull out at least the two-and-a-half mile loop. Even in the heat.

I ran it. I ran most of it, only walking a few times, for about fifteen seconds at a time. I felt tired, deflated (after my awesome-fast one-miler the other day), and I just wanted to be done. It was a bad run, but it was almost over.

I turned onto the street leading home, and I saw a young guy, probably high school age, shooting hoops there in the street. I hate having to walk when people can see me, so I determined to keep running. He kept shooting and missing. Shoot, miss; shoot, miss; shoot, miss.

"Good morning," he said.

"C'mon...'he shoots, he scores!' Let's see it!"

He laughed and kept shooting as I passed him, and I kept hearing the shoot, thud (missed again); shoot, thud; shoot, thud. Just before I had to turn onto my street, I turned around to check on him, and it was perfect: I caught him just as the ball flew into the air, and watched the nothing-but-net swish.

I shouted back at him, "there ya' go!" He laughed again, and I ran the last tenth of a mile back home, smiling the whole way. I don't even think he'll ever know how just being out there changed my day. It's that kind of thing that can change any run for me. Just saying 'good morning' or waving to someone else one the road - a biker, a walker, or a fellow runner - changes everything.

What can change your run around?
How was your last run?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Random phone dump, catching up

I may have eaten way too much bad stuff recently; I'm become anorexic, two or three hours at a time. I never get Starbucks, because whenever I do, I end up regretting it. This last time was no exception. I got a caramel frappuccino, non-fat, but with whipped (because a frapp isn't a frapp without the whipped, I'm sorry, I just can't). Regretted it from sip #2. Swear I'll never do it again, but give it a month or two, and I'll do it again. Never fail.

But, at least I had some decent runs. I've increased my mileage total, and I've SERIOUSLY upped the number of days I run. So far, my streak has lasted 19 days. When I told my hubby about the #rwrunstreak, he thought I was crazy for running naked. That was a silly conversation.

I look so old in the picture below, but I was prepared for an awesome night that would sap my energy and weaken my patience. Still, it was incredibly fun, but I learned a lot about people who get so drunk that they won't remember anything the next morning. It was a learning experience.

Do you ever notice - or does it ever happen to you? - that when you wear THAT race shirt, the race that you're so proud of, that your run seems that much better? You feel that much stronger? Maybe it's just me.

I love this neighborhood. One morning, I came across this bird (what is it, anyway?). I love the little fishing pond where everyone hangs out, especially on Sunday mornings, in tents and sleeping bags in the winter, and under shady trees and at the picnic tables in the summer.

I hadn't worn this shirt in at least a year, but when I found it in my closet this past week, I decided to give it a go, because - why did I stop wearing this, anyway? Oh yeah, that's why. Fortunately, the rip didn't show anything.

I can put some of my hair in a hair tie now! I can't believe my hair is growing so fast recently (well, I can, but y''s something to say)! I guess a haircut is in order.

Yummy! I love food (who doesn't, right?). Tim made these awesome yummy stuffed zucchinis the other day, and they were so awesome. Yummy awesomeness that I almost immediately spilled on the couch. (Yes, we eat dinner while watching tosh.0 most nights.) I've been clumsy all week.

When I ran this morning, I didn't have much time, so I cut it down to just a mile (+ .28 or so), but I managed to pull out a 9:22 average pace. I'm still not sure where that came from! It was amazing.

And this is my Love. My cheer squad when I return from my run. I love this guy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Streaking, and what's on the horizon

I've completed 16 days of the #rwrunstreak, and I think it might finally sink in this time. I've never done a running streak before, but I think this time, it might just become a habit. A habit I could definitely live with. A habit I don't want to live without. I've had the other kind, and those aren't my cup of tea.

The last time I ran this frequently, was over a year and a half ago, just before we moved. I would run in the early mornings or on my way home from work (at the YMCA), but for some reason, up until now it just hasn't stuck with me. Before we moved, the farthest I'd run was seven miles without walking. In the new neighborhood, my max was five. Close, but no cigar by any means.

I once had a goal mileage, usually per month. I calculated my mileage on google maps, because I didn't have a Garmin (gasp!) and my poor cell phone was only complex enough to send/receive (a) phone calls and (b) text messages; that was it. I do but I don't miss those days.

Plus, the old neighborhood was more or less along a grid. I had rectangular loops I could choose from: there was the one-mile loop (where I would run past a Delorean), the two-mile loop (where I ran past the cop's house, which made me feel more safe for some crazy reason - he was probably sleeping), and the four-mile loop (with a couple patches of sketchiness, darkness, and a number of traffic lights, which slowed me down). During that seven-miler, I ran each loop once. I was so proud of myself for running the whole thing. 

I want that feeling again. That seven-mile triple-loop helped prepare me for my 10Ks, both of which I ran without walking. I love 10Ks; 5Ks are not my friend.

I guess I'm looking for another 10K to do. Something I haven't done before. Not the Star6 Memorial. Not the Sacramento ZooZoom. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirts. 

So what about this one? Sounds kinda cute: The Human Race. Umm...did you see the part where the registration is $25? Sign me up! Hmm...might be a 5K only. 

What's up  next on YOUR race calendar?
I got a whole lotta nothin', anywhere on my racing horizon. I'm just trying to build endurance. And a little bit of speed (it'd be nice to get back down to 9:30-ish, where I was before I became a complete slacker)! Oh, and I wouldn't complain if I lost a few pounds...or twenty!

Monday, June 10, 2013

My early morning nap

This morning was unique: we woke up to country radio, snuggled for a song or two, then my Love rolled over to tag one he liked, but instead of starting his app, he turned off the radio. (Don't worry: I'm already well acquainted with the song and artist.)

So we hopped struggled, moaning and groaning out of bed, wondering why it just couldn't be Sunday again. Before we truly realized we were awake, we were dressed and out the door, ready to run. I told him I wouldn't tell anyone if we just walked today; but he refused, and said he didn't want to get back to the house too late, so we should run. Ugh. 

Yadda, yadda... we warmed up, ran, walked, ran, walked... cooled down. And then it was shower time, as usual. And I was more tired than usual, so I went back to bed, and napped from about 6:00 until 7:00.

So, that's what was so amazing and unique: I woke up at 4:15, and napped for an hour before I left for work. I loved waking up and remembering that I wasn't really in a hurry to run, or shower, or anything! I just had to get dressed and go. It was perfect.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bad Pam?

I baked something so disgusting tonight, that my Love practically spit his out. He took a normal bite, thought something was off, took another very hesitant, very tentative bite, and retched, putting it back on the plate, then running for an ice cream bar to cleanse his palate.

What did I do? I finished mine and his, all the while admitting that something wad definitely wrong - ALL WRONG! But what? I couldn't figure it out, so I kept eating.

And now I still have that foul chemical/rancid taste in my mouth. It's completely disgusting, and it won't go away. It's stuck in my throat and my nose and chest. It feels like it may never go away.


And it wasn't even a Pinterest fail. This was all on one (or more) of my ingredients! I think it was the Pam.

Have you ever had bad Pam?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Too popped to poop

Despite my most awesome run with my sweetie this morning (his first intervals! in which we reached max speeds of 8:45-ish!), I had kind of a rough day.

I started by snapping at a friend, over text. Who does that? Well, me, apparently. But I was nice to the jerk next to me at work, the guy that annoys me to no end (I've figured out it's because he reminds me of my little brother, which - since I realized that - has made me exponentially more patient with him).

And now, I'm on the couch. And I'm completely worn out. I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm really uncomfortable the entire time I'm at work (there's NO air conditioning, only fans, and it was 100* outside today). Can I just go to bed without dinner? I think that's what I need today.

I can barely keep my eyes open anyway...

PS It's day #7 of my running streak!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pause for paws

My run this morning was a little... Haphazard? Disjointed? Uneven? I dunno. I hadn't even gone out the door, before my husband reminded me that our friend was coming over to drop off his doggy to stay for the day, so I had to stick close to home. Totally doable - there's a loop, and a park...I can see the house from there.
I ran literally just across the street before I ran into (and almost got clobbered by) this guy's dog, a purebred Alaskan Husky. This isn't the exact dog I saw, but it's close. The dog was GORGEOUS, and I couldn't stop "ooh"-ing and "aww"-ing over the dog. So pause...but I didn't pause my Garmin. Oops.
Halfway into my first loop, I saw a sign on a bench advertising an outdoor boot camp this summer, so I had to stop to check it out (no pause job the Garmin). A loop and a half later (0.6 miles total, at that point), and I saw my friend pull into the driveway. I ran to the house to make sure he got in okay, and again didn't pause my Garmin. We talked. No pause. When I started running again, I crossed paths with Mr. Husky, whose dog had spotted me and gotten all excited, ran around a picnic table, and I tried to help the guy untangle them by sort of corralling the dog (pause my Garmin? Didn't even cross my mind; I'll never learn!).
This dog needs to be named "Tigger;" it's very fitting. So I did just over a mile in about ten minutes, but you know, with all those un-paused pauses, I think that's okay.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day and my scrappy side

Memorial Day was the icing on the cake, if the preceding three days were indeed cake...and they definitely were. Filled with time together and apart; both times were very needed, appreciated, and thoroughly enjoyed.
We painted. Then we painted again. Aaaand again. Three colors, times two coats each. That's six coats more than I wanted to paint. But my sweetie was there, pushing me (kicking and screaming, sometimes), so it was okay.
So here's how it turned out, kind of an overview of the room as you enter it from the hub in the hallway. If you step a foot into the room and face the left, here's what you see (at least for right now, because we aren't finished yet): our new daybed (we need a cover and tons of fluffy, squishy pillows) and a couple (there will eventually be four) bookcases. I just hope that's enough to house all of our books.
Here's another
And... (drumroll, please...), the piece de resistance, my... SCRAP AREA!! Yaaaaaaay! Isn't it lovely and gorgeous? Yes, I know you're jealous.
But it's mine, all mine. And I love it. Every inch. Every nook and cranny. Every strip of paper. Every little detail!
Just imagine all the things I'll create here!! My next project, I think...shall be an encore to my much-beloved (even if only by me) wedding scrapbook. I think I'll focus on our travels over the past almost seven years! Yes, and it shall be...probably pretty decent. Any other scrappy people out there in blog-land?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend: Fri-Sun

This weekend was awesome! For starters, I came home after work on Thursday to this:
The top two-thirds of the scrap room upstairs was completely finished (which of course left the bottom third unpainted...more on that later). We had the most amazing, relaxing Thursday night; it was like it used to be, with no specific appointments or outings scheduled.
Oh wait, I take that back: somebody bought tickets to see "Star Trek Into Darkness" in IMAX 3D on Friday morning in Fresno. I thought going to Fresno for the second weekend in a row would be a hassle, but no. Totally worth it. The movie was awesome (for the second time)!
Gotta love my sweetie, though. Always gets everywhere early. Like, 10:30 for a 12:40 show. So we wandered, and found this bakery. Looked awesome, but actually, just kinda ho-hum.
After the movie, we went to my all-time favorite burger place (tip: the reason I love the place sooooo much, is for something other than the burgers), Eureka ! Burger. I got the Fresno fig burger, and loved every bite... until I got a few bites into the second half, and I stopped in my tracks, started sweating, and felt like I was gonna puke right there. I put the burger down, and (for me, this next part is amazing) didn't pick it up again. No idea what happened there, but I hate puking. Definitely didn't want to puke. No puke-y. But then, we went to Sam's Club to pick up a few random items, but fell in love with a daybed (as well as a mattress to go with it), so my ride home was a little cramped; but at least I didn't have to drive!
It wasn't so bad for the first half hour, but then my knee started killing me! It ws great to not have to work on Friday (I REALLY miss my four ten-hour days schedule!), but that meant that Saturday had to be back to work, but it was just home stuff; we didn't have to go anywhere, and there were no desks or paperwork involved.
Yaaaaaaay! We got up early and got started on the lower third of the upstairs wall, which we covered in two coats of "berry wine."
It was lookin' good, but needed to dry overnight. There was nothing left to do except...
Tutti Frutti. Smashed almond roca. And carmel. Yum!
Sunday, we taped and painted, this time a five-inch "chocolate swirl" stripe. We think it came out great!
See? Good stuff! I could tell you what happened on Monday, but that would be like opening presents on Thanksgiving: it just wouldn't be right.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Things That Make Me Happy

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.... Like it or not, I try to think positively on the outside, especially when I'm freaking out on the inside. And I've been thinking positively a lot lately! Here are a few things that make me happy, or at least make me smile: 1. Gotta start it off with a picture. Love this guy.
2. Watching mindless TV. Right now, my favorites are oldies but goodies: "Cheers" (the Rebecca seasons) and "Seinfeld." 3. Crafting.
4. Remembering good times. Times I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. Happy times that I never want to forget.
5. Food. Yes, food makes me happy.