It's official: bump is here. I'm not the only one that can tell. Tim and I aren't the only ones that can tell.

I ran into an old co-worker this past week, someone who changes his work locations frequently, on an as-needed basis. Okay, fine: he's a security guard. He was called in to work at my new location, so we had a chance to catch up. It's been at least a year since I've seen him.
He's a runner. I'm a runner (don't laugh; I AM when I'm not 20+ weeks pregnant!). Actually, I think the last time I saw him, he was volunteering at the Hell of a Half Marathon in Exeter (August 2012). So I asked him about his running; he updated me, and said, "you're probably not doing too much running these days, with baby."
"Huh? How did you...?" And he gestured toward my belly. "It's pretty easy to tell." Oh, yeah, huh.
It's getting bigger every day. It's not so incredibly scary (actually, I thought I'd have a harder time with that aspect than I'm having), but it's just something to get used to. It's kind of like those pre-teen and teenage years where everything grows, you don't fit into your clothes, you trip over your own feet... you swipe your car door against your belly... It's just a new experience for me. I haven't had to worry about that kind of crap since middle school? high school? ish?

I ran into an old co-worker this past week, someone who changes his work locations frequently, on an as-needed basis. Okay, fine: he's a security guard. He was called in to work at my new location, so we had a chance to catch up. It's been at least a year since I've seen him.
He's a runner. I'm a runner (don't laugh; I AM when I'm not 20+ weeks pregnant!). Actually, I think the last time I saw him, he was volunteering at the Hell of a Half Marathon in Exeter (August 2012). So I asked him about his running; he updated me, and said, "you're probably not doing too much running these days, with baby."
"Huh? How did you...?" And he gestured toward my belly. "It's pretty easy to tell." Oh, yeah, huh.
It's getting bigger every day. It's not so incredibly scary (actually, I thought I'd have a harder time with that aspect than I'm having), but it's just something to get used to. It's kind of like those pre-teen and teenage years where everything grows, you don't fit into your clothes, you trip over your own feet... you swipe your car door against your belly... It's just a new experience for me. I haven't had to worry about that kind of crap since middle school? high school? ish?