This was my first Thorns 5k ever, and I'm prepared to be completely embarrassed by my pictures being posted by The Boring Runner in his recap of the recaps.
When I run, I like to stop and smell the roses, and this time, I found some great sunflowers, big and small.
The run was going great, I negative split the first two miles (wahoo, because any positive I can find about running in the heat is a good thing)! I love trying out new things for running, like clothes, shoes, and snacks. This time, it was a strawberry lemonade nuun - yum! Still, it was absolutely no match for this intense heat, and I'm not prepared to run that half marathon weekend after next.
I'm looking forward to staying firmly on the couch the day before, as well as the day after the half, only because I'm so unprepared. Still, I'll wake up at least three of the four work days this week, and run at leat five miles every morning. At least... that's the plan. And if I keel over and puke after I cross that finish line on the 18th, ah, well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
This run will stand out forever as the run that I didn't pay to enter, but instead picked up $6 by the side of the road, so it was destined to be a great run.
Sorry about the delayed pictures, but my app isn't working so well. Very odd. So, onto the finish line, and other race pictures:

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