Sunday, July 12, 2015

Recent thoughts

It's been a while...
A lot has happened...

Today, at about 4.5 months (or 19 weeks and 3 days) pregnant, I managed to keep going on an elliptical for TWENTY minutes. You have to understand that we have an elliptical at home that I can't manage for even five minutes. And I'm not even exaggerating. It's pathetic.

Also pathetic: my cravings for things that are bad for me. Not just because I'm pregnant, either. Ugh. The last time I had a prenatal checkup (NOT with my normal doctor), the wench gave me a five minute lecture on my weight. Which always makes a pregnant woman feel amazing and wonderful and nothing negative... No pregnant woman would ever want to cut a bitch like that. Nooo...

I'm nervous: how is this while second kid thing supposed to go? I worry about everything: Leaving Katelyn with someone...  Bringing home an infant again... Sibling jealousy... Sleeplessness... I bet these are all very normal things in the world, but not in my world. Not yet, anyway.

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